Inga von Staden ![[Image]](../../Images/staff/Inga_Bild_f_rTrainerProfiles.JPG)
What`s New in New Media? (introductory lecture) Module 1
Networked Systems (introductory lecture) Module 2 Curriculum Vitae Inga von Staden first encountered information architecture in the Genetics lab of the Hebrew University, Israel where she did her BS of Agriculture. Hacking the genetic code on an Apple Lisa is the kind of unforgettable experience, she has been looking for in her work ever since. Back in Germany, Inga von Staden ventured into the media landscape in the hope of finding more unexplored terrain to cross. Since 1987 she has been working as: - author and producer for television - script editor and producer for film and theatre - project manager for events and exhibitions - creative producer for computer games media for marketing internet applications - lecturer on new media concept and design - new media consultant - head of faculty for digital producing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg She was very lucky to discover many continents not yet mapped, dramatic codes waiting to be cracked and wonderful people interested in doing the same thing. They have been invited to lecture at the academy of converging media. References - - - - |