Berlin, March 17, 2003
Grants available for this year’s summer intensive courses at the academy of converging media Course applicants may also apply for one of the grants available from the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung sponsorship programme or the EU MEDIA programme. The content + creation intensive courses at the academy of converging media (acm) in Berlin provide advanced vocational training in content development for the new media. A variety of grants are available for people wishing to participate in this year’s courses. The conditions of eligibility are outlined below. The Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung sponsorship programme awards grants to citizens of the German states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, and the EU MEDIA programme to selected applicants from the countries that are currently candidates for EU membership: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia. In addition, there are grants available to citizens of all EU member states, including Germany. Applications for a grant may be submitted directly with the course application. Applicants for a grant must also justify their application. The jury awards places on the course independently of whether an application for a grant has been submitted or not. A decision regarding such an application is then made following acceptance on to the course. The application deadline for this year’s courses has now been extended until April 17, 2003 Module 1: Module 2: About the academy of converging media The academy of converging media provides advanced vocational training for people working or looking to work in the new media. Based at the dffb Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie (German Film and Television Academy), it was first proposed by the e-content consultants ProjectScope and subsequently founded by the dffb, the Berlin Senate Department of Business and Technology and the Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg. It provides a range of courses designed to meet the need for qualified conceptors, information architects and authors in the new and converging media. The content + creation courses are part of the European Media Programme Training. MDM, cine+, Pixelpark and the TV-meets-the-Web-Seminar presented by Van Dusseldorp & Partners all support the academy of converging media. Contacts: academy of converging media Inga von Staden Linienstraße 155 D - 10115 Berlin Fon: +49-30-20 67 96 27 Fax: +49-30-22 65 19 14 E-Mail: Maria Burdick Kommunikation und Marketing Elvirastraße 16 D-80636 München Fon: +49-89-18 14 15 Fax: +49-89-18 14 49 E-Mail: |