Ernest Adams
Constanze Bausch
Steve Bürk
Monika Halkort
Beate Hundsdörfer
Steffen Knop
Rainer Kürvers
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
Raimo Lång
Simon Løvind
Mark Meadows
Andrew Otwell
Stephan Richter
Dick Rijken
Michael Rüger
Inga von Staden
Florian Thalhofer
Michael Valeur
Niels Wolf

Databased Narrative

Klaas Kuitenbrouwer and Florian Thalhofer

Lecture and Demonstration

Module 2: Friday, July 12 th 2002


In the first lecture different types of narrative are placed interactively in a spectrum of interactivity. I will further explore what interesting relationships between user and narrative material can be established.
On the least interactive side of the interactivity spectrum there would be a typical branching-tree type of narrative environment, where the user has no other options but to choose between prepared hardlinked material. This sort of environment is very suitable for certain narrative strategies (and certain type of narrative content) but its limitations have to be cleverly played to avoid disruption of the immersion in the storyworld.
On the most interactive side of the spectrum there would be environments for multiple player roleplaying, where only a brief outline of a story exists that is filled in realtime with action and dialogue by improvising players. This type of environment facilitates the emergence of the story, but does not necessarily have a specific story built in.
Databased narratives using the Korsakow System would be somewhere in the middle. In the KS one can build tightly structured polemic issue spaces, but also unpredictable narrative behaviour, as if a narrator freely associated his story together, led by the user's preferences.
In all forms of interactive narrative the story emerges, to some extent, in relation to the action of the user(s). The key quality of any interactive narrative is this relation between the user's action and the emergent narrative. The session concludes with some remarks and thoughts on this relationship.
In the second session Florian Thalhofer will present the Korsakow system and several projects made with it, that all use a different narrative logic: thematic, spatial, associative, temporal, etc.
In the third session Klaas Kuitenbrouwer and Florian Thalhofer will demonstrate how to work with the Korsakow Engine.Using prepared film material we'll demonstrate the use of keywords, the timing and numbering of offered links, the presentation and contextualisation of links: insert text, preview text and preview icons, and we'll show how to deal with starting and ending a databased narrative.
We'll conclude with a discussion on how the users actions can be integrated meaningfully into this non-linear storytelling.

Course Outline

Day 1

Morning session:

10.00 - 11.30 Lecture by Klaas Kuitenbrouwer
11.30 - 13.00 Presentation by Florian Thalhofer


14.00 - 16.00 Demonstration of the Korsakow System
16.30 - end. Group discussion on the meaningful integration of the user in the storytelling.


Media Studied During Session

Some brief examples of narrative projects on the www, Korsakow projects of social relations among players of a game.