The New Media Project
Group Project
Module 1: Friday, June 21st through Friday, June 28th 2002 including Saturday,
June 21nd
- main idea
- interactivity study
- narration design
- interface design
- storyboard
- demos
On the background of the presentation of tutors' own projects, we will discuss
on the necessary steps to develop new projects. We will look closer into the conceptual
work early in the process and the participants will be asked to develop their
own ideas with the support of the tutors. We will consider the relationships between
concept, media platform, structure and interface. We will present different formats
to communicate about projects both to a production team or for early presentations.
The week will terminate with a presentation of the developed concepts.
Course Outline
Simon Løvind will be present friday - friday
Michael Valeur will be present friday - monday
Friday: Interactive narrative revisited
Based on the two tutors own productions we discuss the relationship between idea,
story, interface and structure. The tutors will explain the intentions behind
their different productions and the reasoning behind some of the important design
decisions. The main focus will be on the role of the user in interactive fictions.
There will be a small writing exercise in the afternoon.
Saturday (!): Production documents
This day will focus on which kind of documents and visualizations are useful in
a production. Tutors will talk about the use of concept descriptions, script writing,
flowcharts and demos. We will discuss how to create overview and structure in
a script. The production "The Angel" will be looked at in detail. The differences
between different media platforms will be discussed. Participants will be asked
to prepare ideas for the concept they will work on in the last week.
Monday: Nursing ideas
This day is mainly dedicated to try out concepts and for brainstorming of ideas.
Tutors will consult individual projects.
Tuesday - Thursday: Concept development
These days mainly concentrate on participants developing their concept and to
prepare a presentation of it for Friday. Inspirational demos will supplement participants
concentrated work.
Friday: Presentation
Participants presentation of developed concepts. Evaluation of whole course. At
night: Theatre "Doctor Caligari"
The tutors studied examples will be:
cd-rom based fiction for grown ups: BlackOut, The Angel.
cd-rom based fiction for children: The Mad Magician Series (e.g. The Doggone Dognapping)
internet based fiction: Back Seat Cop
cd-rom based magazine: van Gogh#3
cd-rom based art: van Gogh#4: Decay
dvd video based fiction: The city outside of time
Other's examples shown:
cd-rom based fiction for children: PAWS
cd-rom based documentary: Rehearsal of Memory
internet game: Sissy Fight
interface experiments: John Maeda's Reactive Books